Junk jazz trio schroothoop continues to reveal new music ahead of the release of their upcoming album "Macadam," set to be released on April 7. Today, the band unveils "Cascaraï," the third and final track to be revealed before the album release.
On ‘MACADAM’, its second album to be released on April 7, schroothoop explores the vast sounds of discarded objects found on the macadam streets of Brussels. Wooden crates turn into guitars and lyres. Scrap metal becomes a thumb piano, a cimbalom, or percussion bells. Their compelling collection of semi-improvised songs is born out of several fruitful residencies and live performances during which Margo Maex, Rik Staelens and Timo Vantyghem dive deeper into the possibilities and unique timbres of their DIY instruments.
"Cascaraï," combines Algerian Rai-melodies on the flutes with Afro-Cuban Cascara-patterns on the drums, resulting in a new genre that the band call "Cascaraï".