“‘Animalcules' represents the irony of ‘Less Is Endless’. The inventors of the first microscopes in the 17th century discovered a whole new biotope of crawling companions, which they named Animalcules. The abundance of life is celebrated, evoking the feeling of creatures creeping over each other. It's got a liberation movement vibration to it, thus linking it with some of the earlier De Beren Gieren songs.”
The live version that accompanies the single was taken from the band’s so called GREENING STREAMING SESSION, that was broadcasted as a one-off live stream in February 2021. As the wrap-up of a three-day residency in one of Ghent’s most prestigious venues, Handelsbeurs Concertzaal, De Beren Gieren rehearsed and recorded the songs from their upcoming album in an otherworldly, mysterious, greenish-atmosphere setting created and directed by Tobi Jonson (cfr. Nordmann, Eefje De Visser, Tristan, …). For the version of ‘Animalcules’, the trio even invited a choir to add that extra catchy layer to those characteristic sing-along parts.
'Animalcules' is available now on all platforms!